How the Antifragile Entrepreneur Can Improve With Improv (Part II)

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The idea that the head of the country’s patent office predicted the end of invention is laughably ironic until replaced by the irony that it was the opposite of how Commissioner Duell actually felt. How then more absurd is the actual prognostication 56 years earlier, also by the head of the country’s patent office. Want some more irony? Samuel F.B. Morse would invent no less than the telegraph in 1844, a year later. Fortunately for civilization, entrepreneurs are more the Duell types. There is…

How the Antifragile Entrepreneur Can Improve With Improv (Part I)

2 Comments15 Minutes

“How do you make God laugh? Make plans!” This tiny maxim is at the core of how applying improv techniques to your life and your business will help make you an antifragile human. Of course, plans are crucial to the entrepreneur. But what happens when the plans go south? What do you do when life happens?