MIT Antifragile Entrepreneurship Speaker Series: A Must Watch, Free & Available NowClassics 

1 Comment19 Minutes

One of my proudest projects from the past few years is the Trust Center Antifragile Entrepreneurship Speaker Series, which is now available to watch for free in its entirety. These 8 sessions were designed like a course to help the viewer understand what it takes to become more antifragile in concrete ways within the context we are living in right now.

Stepping Forward With Disciplined Entrepreneurship During A Time Of Crisis

2 Comments5 Minutes

We held a series of three webinars targeted at Irish entrepreneurs during the early states of the COVID-19 lockdown. With almost 2,000 registrants its popularity exceeded expectations. The overwhelming priority at the beginning of the pandemic was public health but, at some stage, this will abate and the next challenge will be rebuilding the economy. Entrepreneurs and innovators will play a vital role. So, what did we hear from the community and what help could we offer?

Sustaining the Fire: My Life After the MIT Entrepreneurship Development Program

0 Comments7 Minutes

In the early stages of my entrepreneurial journey, I used to think that getting a product to market as quickly as possible, even without knowing my customers first, was the path to success. Inundated as we are with such popular wisdom, we sometimes take blitzscaling too literally, jumping into a market’s deep end without even looking to see what’s down below.