The State of Entrepreneurship via LinkedIn Live Event December 2022 (Video or Podcast)

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Recently (December 7, 2022), MIT Exec Ed ask Paul Cheek and I to sit down and talk with the Dean of MIT Executive Education, Peter Hirst, about the current state of entrepreneurship and basically produce content that will help get people to apply to EDP. Since I love EDP and I have seen it change so many lives, it was not a hard sale to get at least me to do it.

So Bittersweet, the End of the Semester … But ChatGPT Brings Us Back to Reality and Explains It Perfectly

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Request to ChatGPT: Write an article about how Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck could use Disciplined Entrepreneurship. Actual Response from ChatGPT: Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck may be cartoon characters, but that doesn't mean they can't benefit from the principles of disciplined entrepreneurship.

Disciplined Entrepreneurship Helps Bring Prince William and Kate to Boston

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This past week, you have probably seen that Prince William and Princess Kate visited Boston for their big Earthshot Prize and what a week it was. President Biden and scores of others were on hand for this enormous event. The hoopla from the visit was really quite amazing. What does this have to do with Disciplined Entrepreneurship? Well actually a lot.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Can and Should be Ethical and Humane: The Shining Example of Fred Brooks (RIP)

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Very sad to see the passing of truly one of the most impactful (and often overlooked for the magnitude of his impact) and greatest people in the history of the the computer industry, Fred Brooks, but happy to see him acknowledged with a robust obituary in The New York Times.