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Articles / BlogPublished on August 23, 2020. 5 comments.

New Teaching Materials for DE Educators Now Available

We open-source all that we do at MIT for teaching Disciplined Entrepreneurship under a Creative Common licensing understanding – and this has proven very popular. I always felt bad that I had not documented it as well as it could be. I also wished I could update the materials I use in class and make them clearer and more complete. This was not as easy as I had hoped as other priorities always nudged it out of the things that actually got done.

Pushed by my friends at Purdue, led by Professor Nathalie Duval-Couetil, I spent a good deal of time at the end of the semester this spring and this summer finally getting to this task. I have cleaned up and put together a new and much more comprehensive release of my teaching materials. It not only has the most current material I use at MIT to teach Disciplined Entrepreneurship but it is also much better documented. It covers a bit more than the 24 Steps in the book (but not much more because we have only one semester) making it a very strong introduction to a “becoming an entrepreneur” course. It is not about entrepreneurship but rather it teaches the students what it is to become an entrepreneur through an experiential, “action learning,” project-based (I think all of these terms mean the same thing so chose whichever suits you best) curriculum.

I have included the syllabus, class by class summary with key points for each class, as well as slides, homework, and a detailed description of the deliverables for each class. It is customized to the MIT environment but hopefully, it will provide a lot of good materials for your courses and programs. It is made available at no cost and all we ask is that you include attribution of where the material came from and then make any derivative works available on the same terms to the community. This is the Creative Commons licensing agreement.

To get this new material, go on this web site to the “Resources” section and sign up for access. For those of you who already have access to the Dropbox folder for entrepreneurship educators, you should have already gotten an email about this.

Once you have looked at and/or used the material, we would love to hear what you think. Any questions, comments, enhancements, or just raving/whining is warmly welcomed in the “Forum” section of this website.

The world needs more and higher quality entrepreneurs now more than ever. If we can help in that cause, go forth and use the material with pride and we all will share in the benefits.

The author

Bill Aulet

A longtime successful entrepreneur, Bill is the Managing Director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship and Professor of the Practice at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is changing the way entrepreneurship is understood, taught, and practiced around the world.

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